Make Paragraphs with Links From Input

Ok, take this:
U.S. Dive Travel
Offers packages to Bonaire’s Sand Dollar Condominium Resort.

Sand Dollar Group
Offers project management and support for the development of web
sites, LAN and WAN design, data center relocations and custom
helpdesk integration.

Make it into this:

U.S. Dive Travel

Offers packages to Bonaire’s Sand Dollar Condominium Resort.

Sand Dollar Group

Offers project management and support for the development of web
sites, LAN and WAN design, data center relocations and custom
helpdesk integration.

Obviously correcting it to xhtml formatting … cause I just cannot bring myself to use capital html tags any more.

;*** Effort by Don Passenger
;*** don a-t htmlfixit d-o-t com
;*** discuss things live in chat at
; Take paragraphs and make linked paragraphs
; assume double return between paragraphs

;start at the top (assuming whole file)
^!Jump Doc_Start
;set list delimiter to space and get array elements
^!SetListDelimiter "^P"

;set cursor position
^!Set %row%="^$GetRow$"
^!Set %column%="^$GetCol$"

;find end of this "paragraph" of info
^!Find "^P^P" CIS
^!IfError END

^!Jump Select_End
;select the paragraph
^!SelectTo ^%row%:^%column%

;break the paragraph into an array
;element one is what will go into the
;link tag, "next-to-last" array element will be the
;link url itself and all "middle" elements
;will form the paragraph
;delimited array set by splitting line on returns
^!SetArray %delimited_data%=^$GetSelection$
;make sure it isn't empty item if it is END
^!If "^%delimited_data1%" = "" END

;delete selected paragraph now
^!Keyboard DELETE

;find the second from last element number
^!Set %link_element%=^$Calc(^%delimited_data0%-2)$
;the following could all be done
;on one long line ... or with short insertHTML's
;followed by jumps ... your choice

^!Jump Select_End

^!Jump Select_End
;increment index for description
^!Set %indx%=2

;display each array element
^!InsertHtml ^%delimited_data^%indx%%
^!If ^%indx% = ^$Calc(^%delimited_data0%-3)$ Next_Paragraph
^!Inc %indx%
^!Goto Loop_Description


^!Jump Select_End
^!Goto paragraph

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