HTML: Remove & and replace with &
It is often necessary to replace the & character with the entity & to get validated (x)html. This clip will replace all appropriate ampersands excluding those that are part of defined character entities.
This one has a really really long line at the start, so what it may do with the pre tag to your browser is anyone’s guess.
; a clip to run a file looking for ; stray & characters that aren't part ; of & etc type of special ; characters and replace them with & ; by Don Passenger ; email: don at ; comments welcome ^!SetWordWrap Off ^!Jump Doc_Start ^!ClearVariables ; assign special characters to array ^!SetListDelimiter ";" ; super long line to follow ^!SetArray %allspecialchars%="&©>< " ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ—™™áâ´æàåãä¦ç¸¢¤°÷éêèðë½¼¾íî¡ì¿ï«¯µ·¬ñóôòªºøÕõö¶±£»®§­¹²³ßþ×úûù¨üý¥ÿ" ; end of super long line :Loop ; find next & ^!Find "&" TIS :Process8 ; select 8 characters starting with an & ^!Jump Select_Start ^!Select +8 ^!Set %word%=^$GetSelection$ ;^!Info x^%word%x ; split the 8 characters selected on ; ; if there is no semi-colon, then we do ; not have a special character ; if we do, then we may ^!SetListDelimiter ";" ^!SetArray %specialchar%=^%word% ; if ^%specialchar0% is 1 then we had no ; so ; goto replacement phase ^!If "^%specialchar0%" = "1" Replace& ; we have a ; so we want to test the first part up to ; the ; to see if it is a known entity ^!Set %counter%=1 :TestSpecials ; if all specials exhausted, then need to replace ^!If "^%counter%" > "^%allspecialchars0%" Replace& ; test each special character and on match go to next ^!If "^$StrLower(^%specialchar1%)$" = "^%allspecialchars^%counter%%" MatchSpecial ; that one didn't match, try again ^!Inc %counter% ^!GoTo TestSpecials :Replace& ; we found a loose & so we need to replace it ; with & ^!Jump Select_Start ^!Replace "&" >> "&" TIHS ; having replaced it go look for next ^!GoTo Loop :MatchSpecial ^!Jump Select_Start ^!MoveCursor +1 ^!GoTo Loop
Keywords: replace, ampersand, &, &, replace, valid, html, xhtml, url