celebrates first anniversary.

Well this is it! We have been messing up under this domain name for exactly one year today. So thanks for visiting our creation. In that time we have formed our sister operation, littlehosting, that offers full service web site hosting for reasonable cost — where we don’t nickle and dime the customer like other low cost hosting often does. During that time we have had 20,000 unique vistors (our counter — we use our own — unlike other counters does not recount visitors as they wander about the pages).

It is hard to say what might be our greatest success to date. Is it the number of people we have helped via our chat room with on the spot answers to what perplexes them in the world of web design and coding? Is it our highly popular scripts (many of them free, with a few advanced versions like our IPN and supercharged stats counter that are rolling out the door for the price of just $10 that we also back with chat room and forum support)? Is it just that Franki has had something to do so he has not been arrested for any of the capital offenses he regularly contemplates? Why don’t you tell us how we have made your life better. Send us a greeting.

Best of all, we aren’t done, we have bigger and better plans for the coming year. So give us your bookmark, donate if you can (link below), contribute a tutorial, whatever you can do, but above all, keep visiting!


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