HTML related tutorials available on
- A to Z of web design overview--Making your own webpage or website
Here we give an overview to the how and whys of web design and how it all works. Covered topics will include HTML, DNS, Myspace, Youtube and more.
By Franki
- CSS Generated Faux Pipe Delimited Unordered List
A CSS generated faux pipe delimited list. It give the appearance of a pipe delimited list by using a left border on all but the first list element.
By Don
- CSS Generated Sticky Note Image on Your Page
A CSS generated sticky note that will draw attention to note added to your page. It uses three images and is not limited as to length.
By Don
- CSS Menus Horizontal or Vertical Multiple Level Menus with Pure CSS
This page will show you a couple of very nice horizontal and vertical menu layouts done entirely in Cascading Style Sheets.
By Don
- Creating Live Content Sites for FireFox
FireFox browser offers an easy "live bookmark" method of allowing readers to follow RSS feeds. This tutorial will tell you how to make your site a live bookmark site.
By Don
- HTML Beginning steps part 1
The basics of HTML 1. This tutorial covers what a HTML document looks like, and basic layout details along with a few simple tags.
By Don
- HTML Beginning steps part 2
The basics of HTML 2. This tutorial covers head and title tags as well as content and description meta tags.
By Don
- HTML Beginning steps part 3
The basics of HTML 3. This tutorial covers several tags, bold, italic, underline and font tags are discussed here.
By Franki
- HTML File Names
HTML files should follow some simple naming conventions to make life simple down the road.
By Don
- HTML Tables Bring Order to Chaos part 001
The most basic way to bring order to your HTML pages is to add tables which can control formatting and provide an orderly layout of content. While there are now some more advanced methods of page layout, tables are still invaluable for data display.
By Don
- HTML Tables Bring Order to Chaos part 002
Tables have an outer container tag called "table". This tag accepts the following attributes: align='*', summary='*', bgcolor='*', border='*', cellspacing='*', cellpadding='*', and width='*'.
By Don
- HTML Tables Bring Order to Chaos part 003
Tables have a second container tag called "row", or tr. This tag accepts the following attributes: align='*' valign='*' bgcolor='*'. It creates rows of data that can then be broken down into table date cells or columns.
By Don
- How to improve your search engine rankings
Some tips and tricks for improving or optimizing your ranking with search engines like
By Franki
- Internet Explorer Broken Box Model Hack and Other Alternatives
The box model hack and other solutions: The box model in Internet Explorer 5 (IE5) works differently than other browsers, so some special coding or a hack is required to get the correct results via CSS when seeking to control layout.
By Don
- Javascript Grab Bag of Small Scripts
JavaScript can be pretty handy sometimes. This page will consolidate links to some small ones you might find helpful.
By Don and Franki
- Thunderbird Start Page Customization to Show Web Page
Thunderbird email client is a great way to check your mail, but this tutorial shows you how to also check your favorite web page every time you start Thunderbird by resetting your start-up screen to be a web page.
By Don
- XHTML and HTML - The differences
This small tutorial discusses the reasons for xHTML compliance and some of the differences between HTML and XHTML.
By Franki
- XHTML and HTML Validation Deprecated tags and attributes
If you want your pages to be ready for the future, you should start getting ready now. There is a list of the tags and attributes that you should avoid and some tips on how to replace them.
By Franki
- XHTML and HTML Validation What the error messages mean
A work in progess. What the error messages produced by the HTML/XHTML validator at actually mean.
By Franki
CGI programming tutorials. (perl, PHP, JAVA etc.)
- Common Web dev error messages and what they mean
What a bunch of very common Perl/PHP/CGI/MYSQL error messages you may have come across actually mean.
By Franki
- MySQL Error Invalid Query Column Count Does Not Match Value Count
MySQL sometimes returns the error: Invalid Query: Column Count Doesn't Match Value Count At Row 1. We will explain that error and tell you how to fix it in most cases.
By Don
- PHP Reference - MySQL functions list
A summary table showing several of the most common MySQL database functions of PHP with explanations and example usage.
By Franki
- PHP Reference - array functions list
A summary table showing several of the array functions of PHP with explanations and example usage.
By Franki
- PHP Security Issues
A brief PHP tutorial that discusses several security issues with PHP.
By Don
- PHP Splitting a String
When working with a string of data in PHP it is often helpful to be able to split or divide it at a specific character or delimiter. There are several options including: explode(), preg_split(), spliti(), split(). Split strings can be recombined using implode().
By Don
- PHP String Manipulation
A small PHP tutorial to show how to find a specific character string in a larger string.
By Don
- Perl Primer 001 - why perl - why NOT perl
A Discussion of the benefits and uses of Perl, and cases where it might not be the best choice.
By Franki
- Perl Primer 002 - where to get it - basic layout - shebang line
Perl, where to get it, finding out what version you have, and a perl scripts layout.
By Franki
- Perl Primer 003 - Unix file permissions - FTP uploading tips
A Discussion of Unix file permissions and some notes about uploading perl scripts.
By Franki
- Perl Primer 004 - Hello-world example script - Explanation of said script
A very simple example "Hello World" Perl script and a explanation of each line.
By Franki
- Perl Primer 005 - Perl tools - and variables scalar and array
This tutorial talks about some helpful tools Perl has to help you program better and faster, as well as the first discussion of Variables, (Scalar, array and hash).
By Franki
- Perl Primer 006 Variables continued The associative array or hash
The Perl hash or associative array. What it is, and what it does. manipulating data in it.
By Franki
- Perl Primer 007 Installing Perl on your Windows machine
A small howto regarding the install and setup of Perl on Windows machines.
By Franki
- Perl Primer 008 Controlling the flow of a Perl program
Creating a Perl script and controlling its flow with if/elsif/else.
By Franki
- Perl Primer 009 Relational operators and loops
Perl relational/comparision operators, =, ==, eq, ne etc and the beginning of a discussion on loops.
By Franki
- Perl Primer 010 Loops continued and subroutines
Perl Loops and Subroutines, what they are, what they do and how to use them. (covers for, foreach, and while loops).
By Franki
- Perl Primer 011 File manipulation with Perl
File manipulation. Opening, closing and reading files with Perl.
By Franki
- Perl Primer 012 File manipulation continued and regular expressions
This tutorial covers basic regular expression parsing and string manipulation in Perl and gives examples of how it could be used for searching inside text files.
By Franki
- Perl Primer 013 Advanced data constructs An array of hashes
Here we take a brief look at creating and using an array of hashes.
By Franki
- Perl Primer 014 Advanced data constructs A hash of hashes
Here we take a brief look at creating and using an hash of hashes or Multidimensional array.
By Franki
MISC tutorials.
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Time in Don's part of the world is: Tue, March 25, 2025 at 8:27 PM
Time in Franki's part of the world is: Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 09:27 AM
Don't worry neither one sleeps very long!
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