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HTMLfixIT Archive for the ‘War Driving’ Category

Wednesday, November 10th, 2004 by Don

A fascinating article on the use of WiFi networks to relay messages via remote control cameras in high crime neighborhoods. New Orleans reports significant drops in crime. Of course then the question is how much standard monitoring do we as a free society tolerate? Do we have an expectation of privacy when we look around and don’t see anyone near us? Does crime prevention override issues of freedom from scrutiny? It might be one thing to kick on the cameras when they get a call, but to keep them running continuously … it has some downsides it might seem.

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Sunday, October 31st, 2004 by Don

Interesting article about a phone add on that is designed for night vision, but in fact will see an image through clothing. Now how does this relate to war driving one might ask … the answer is I am looking at the legal issues of wardriving. If you can see through clothes, do you need a search warrant? Do you need to have a particular type of clothing on to have an expectation of privacy?

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Thursday, October 28th, 2004 by Don

Another article by an expert driving around looking for open LAN’s in an area of England. They found 300 lans in 30 minutes, more than half of which were un- or under-secured.

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Wednesday, October 6th, 2004 by Don

Massey News Article – Wireless security risk highlighted in student project. Well it is after all kids play … it ain’t rocket science or looking at it another way, these days there are a lot of rocket scientists.

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Wednesday, October 6th, 2004 by Don

iTnews – Security news brought to you by Microsoft Anybody else see the irony here?

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Wednesday, October 6th, 2004 by Don

Tips to Achieving Ironclad Wireless LAN Security by PC Magazine. These are clearly written suggestions.

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Wednesday, October 6th, 2004 by Don

‘Wardriving’ conviction is first under Can-Spam says this article in the Tech News on ZDNet. People are suprised to find out that their area is already mapped. You must take steps to protect your wifi! I think the download of illegal music is likely to be the next significant use of misappropriated wifi access points.

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