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HTMLfixIT Archive for October, 2004

Sunday, October 31st, 2004 by Don

As the US prepares for a national election this week, I wonder how much longer you will have to go to your local precinct to vote. Voting technology is so out of date it isn’t funny. Finally, Nevada electronic voting may move us forward as they are the gaming capital of the world. In some respects, the irony is appropriate as politics involves gamesmanship. I can withdraw money worldwide with my ATM card, but I have to vote at one place in an eight hour time frame. I hope they soon fix that so people who want to can vote conveniently.


Sunday, October 31st, 2004 by Don

Interesting article about a phone add on that is designed for night vision, but in fact will see an image through clothing. Now how does this relate to war driving one might ask … the answer is I am looking at the legal issues of wardriving. If you can see through clothes, do you need a search warrant? Do you need to have a particular type of clothing on to have an expectation of privacy?

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Saturday, October 30th, 2004 by Don

I seldom pass on jokes on the internet. There are just to many of them and it isn’t worth the traffic. I did find this one particularly funny however. If you ever watch robot wars … this little bit is a good twist on it.

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Saturday, October 30th, 2004 by Franki

Today we’ll start with the bad, then the ugly. (sorry, not much good worth mentioning today.)

Two new Viruses are around for Windows users to worry about, Bagle-AT and Zafi-C. The former managed to get though several mail server Virus filters before the patterns were updated to block it, so if you get any mail with subjects claiming to be a joke, be suspicious. If you are not protected, now might be a good time to head over to and have a read.

Gmail users should note that a flaw in the Google mailing system can be used to gain total control over a users mailbox. Google are apparently looking into it.


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Saturday, October 30th, 2004 by Don

This is a very neat on-line utility for splitting images. It will build the mouseovers even. It will only work with proportional images needing splitting, but if you only do one every once in a while it might work well for you.

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Saturday, October 30th, 2004 by Don

This little on-line utility will help you build a favicon. You can build one manually if you wish using irfanview and your image editor, but if you don’t need a lot of control, give this a try.

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Thursday, October 28th, 2004 by Don

Another article by an expert driving around looking for open LAN’s in an area of England. They found 300 lans in 30 minutes, more than half of which were un- or under-secured.

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  Time  in  Don's  part  of the world is:   July 26, 2024, 1:45 pm
  Time in Franki's part of the world is:   July 27, 2024, 2:45 am
  Don't worry neither one sleeps very long!

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New Windows Virus Alerts
also by sophos.

17 Apr 2011 Troj/Mdrop-DKE
17 Apr 2011 Troj/Sasfis-O
17 Apr 2011 Troj/Keygen-FU
17 Apr 2011 Troj/Zbot-AOY
17 Apr 2011 Troj/Zbot-AOW
17 Apr 2011 W32/Womble-E
17 Apr 2011 Troj/VB-FGD
17 Apr 2011 Troj/FakeAV-DFF
17 Apr 2011 Troj/SWFLdr-W
17 Apr 2011 W32/RorpiaMem-A

For details and removal instructions, click the virus in question.