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HTMLfixIT Archive for June, 2006

Friday, June 30th, 2006 by Don

This discussion of current Microsoft Updates (8 critical in June including one that was re-released because it didn’t work right) is totally boring. They really don’t have much to say, do they? I guess they are saying that Windows has holes the size of Bill Gates Foundation’s wealth after the Warren Buffet donation. The message is patch every time you can … unless it’s a bad patch like that one apparently was.

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Friday, June 30th, 2006 by Don

This article on C-Net really suprises me. It claims that women account for more than half of the on-line gaming. Interesting. I would not have guessed it. Somehow I know few women personally who game, although I do have an addiction to on-line spades and euchre at (formerly and you do encounter a lot of female players there I guess. The fact that I was so suprised is why the headline. I don’t really think I am sexist in any significant way.

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Thursday, June 29th, 2006 by Don

Today Google announced Google Checkout. If you already use the adwords program as an advertiser, you can actually process transactions for free, or if you don’t the transaction fee is 2% and $0.20 per transaction. That makes it very competitive with Paypal. Worthy of a look if you do business on-line. You do not need to be an ad-words advertiser to use the checkout system.

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Thursday, June 29th, 2006 by Don

Well I need to sell my barefoot boat so that I can buy a different boat for the family. This boat is fantastic for barefooting, slalom skiing and general driving around a lake pretty darn fast. It planes out sweet.


Friday, June 16th, 2006 by Don

Scoble, soon to depart Microsoft himself just broke the news that Bill Gates is stepping down from a full time role at Microsoft. Wonder what he is planning. We’ll know soon enough. I wonder if it is distract us from the delay in production on Vista.

Update: there is a press release that talks of a two year phase out to July 2008. So the news may be a bit overstated by the Scobelizer. It starts out thus:

REDMOND, Wash. — June 15, 2006 — Microsoft Corp. today announced that effective July 2008 Bill Gates, chairman, will transition out of a day-to-day role in the company to spend more time on his global health and education work at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The company announced a two-year transition process to ensure that there is a smooth and orderly transfer of Gates’ daily responsibilities, and said that after July 2008 Gates would continue to serve as the company’s chairman and an advisor on key development projects.

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Saturday, June 10th, 2006 by Don

Wandering around ZoomBlast this morning, a new video aggregation site I guess you might say. Came across this funny little homemade ad for Firefox web browser.

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