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HTMLfixIT Archive for the ‘Notetab Clips’ Category

Friday, December 23rd, 2005 by Don

This clip will create a Definition List (DL) including building DT and DD tags.

This is posted in the wrong place … a version 2.0 of this clip is available where it belongs. Sorry for any confusion.

1 Comment »

Saturday, December 4th, 2004 by Don

A reader on the notetab list asked for a clip to generate a list of words with a first letter capitalized (the rest of the word can be upper or lower cased so long as the first letter is capitalized). I tried a couple of versions that worked pretty well on my test files. Because the sort function puts umlauted characters at the bottom of the alphabet in a sort and the reader wanted to preserve umlauted characters, I decided that this method was better. This clip ran 8 minutes for the reader on a 500K file. I didn’t disable screen update so you can see the progress, but that also slows the machine.

Here is the clip:

; by don at
; using a bunch of Hugo's ideas
; runs a text file and makes
; a list of all words that start
; with a capital letter
^!Menu Edit/Copy All
^!Toolbar Paste New
^!Replace "^P" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace ")" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "(" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace """ >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "^T" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "," >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "[" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "]" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "< " >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace ">" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "~" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "!" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "@" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "#" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "$" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "%" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "^" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "&" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "*" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "_" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "+" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "=" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "|" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "{" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "}" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "/" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "?" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "." >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace ";" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace ":" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "•" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "– " >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "´" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "’" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "“" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "‘" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "`" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "¡" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "¢" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "£" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "¤" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "¥" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "§" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "©" >> " " ATIWS
^!Replace "«" >> " " ATIWS

^!Menu Modify/Spaces/Single Space
^!Replace " " >> "^P" ATIWS
^!Replace "^P´" >> "^P" ATIWS
^!Replace "^P-" >> "^P" ATIWS
^!Replace "^P " >> "^P" ATIWS
^!Menu Edit/Copy All
^!SetClipboard ^$StrSort("^$GetClipboard$";1;1;1)$
^!Select All
^!Toolbar Paste
^!Jump 1

; following is to dump all numer or lower cased
; first character lines
^!If ^$GetRow$ = ^$GetLinecount$ Sort2
^!Select +1
^!IfTrue ^$IsEmpty("^$GetLine$")$ NEXT ELSE SKIP_2
^!Keyboard DELETE
^!GoTo DumpBad

^!If "^$IsNumber("^$GetSelection$")$" = "1" SKIP
^!If "^$IsUppercase("^$GetSelection$")$" = "1" SKIP_4
^!Select Eol
^!Keyboard DELETE
^!Keyboard DELETE
^!GoTo DumpBad

^!Jump +1
^!GoTo DumpBad

; following is to eliminate single characters on one line
^!Jump 1

^!Select Eol
^!IfError END
^!If ^$StrSize("^$GetSelection$")$ > 1 SKIP_2
^!Keyboard DELETE
^!Keyboard DELETE
^!Jump +1
^!GoTo Sort2a

This also removes any single character lines (under the theory those aren’t words).

Significant things done in this clip:
generating a list of words by replacing most non-alphanumeric with a space
replacing all double spaces with a single space and a return
sorting of the words that are now on single lines using the function in notetab
elimate all lines that don’t have an uppercase letter as the first character (note that we needed to use the test clip info to be sure that ^!IsUppercase was alphabetic before testing if it was upper case)
remove lines with only one character on them

1 Comment »

Saturday, December 4th, 2004 by Don

I found something interesting the other day … non-uppercase characters were testing positive for ^$IsUppercase. While you might presume only an uppercase character/string would test positive for this, it is actually testing to be sure there are no lower-case alphabetic characters. The opposite is also true with ^$IsLowercase testing for Not Uppercase. So you first need to be sure you don’t have either a number or a non-alphabetic character if that is important before using either ^$IsUppercase or ^$IsLowercase

Testing the ^$IsUppercase function:

; by don at
; any-non lowercase non-alphabetic
; character tests positive as Uppercase
^!SetArray %Original%="0";"1";"|";"?";"a";"@";"1";"+";"=";"F";"`";"~";"-";"q";"L";"[";"}";" ";"x"
^!Set %count%=0
^!Inc %count%
^!If "^%count%" > "^%Original0%" End

^!If "^$IsUppercase("^%Original^%count%%")$" = "1" UPPER ELSE NOTUPPER

^!Info "^%Original^%count%%" is POSITIVE when tested as upper case -- even if it isn't a letter
^!GoTo Loop

^!Info "^%Original^%count%%" is negative when tested as upper case
^!GoTo Loop

Testing the ^$IsLowercase function:

; by don at
; any-non lowercase non-alphabetic
; character tests positive as Uppercase
^!SetArray %Original%="0";"1";"|";"?";"a";"@";"1";"+";"=";"F";"`";"~";"-";"q";"L";"[";"}";" ";"x"
^!Set %count%=0
^!Inc %count%
^!If "^%count%" > "^%Original0%" End

^!If "^$IsLowercase("^%Original^%count%%")$" = "1" UPPER ELSE NOTUPPER

^!Info "^%Original^%count%%" is POSITIVE when tested as lower case -- even if it isn't a letter
^!GoTo Loop

^!Info "^%Original^%count%%" is negative when tested as lower case
^!GoTo Loop

1 Comment »

Saturday, December 4th, 2004 by Don

I wanted to see if ^$GetLinecount$ updates on the fly every time a line is deleted. It does as shown by the following clip:

; by don at
; this clip is to show that
; if you delete lines the
; variable ^$GetLinecount$ updates
; itself on the fly

;create file
^!Menu File/New
;put 10 lines in the file
^!InsertText 1^P2^P3^P4^P5^P6^P7^P8^P9^P10
;display linecount, should be 10
^!Info Line Count: ^$GetLinecount$
;put cursor at bottom
^!Jump Doc_End
;select to line 6
^!SelectTo 6:1
;delete last 5 lines
^!Keyboard DELETE
^!Keyboard BACKSPACE
;display linecount, should be 5
^!Info Line Count: ^$GetLinecount$
; it works! ^$GetLinecount$ updates


Wednesday, December 1st, 2004 by Don

A reader on the YahooGroups Clips List was wondering how to open files in Irfanview via a NoteTab Clip. I proposed the following two solutions:

1 Comment »

Monday, November 29th, 2004 by Don

This clip will take a selection of data contained in a comma separated file (without quotes) and reorder those fields in a random fashion.


1 Comment »

Monday, November 29th, 2004 by Don

It is often necessary to replace the & character with the entity &amp; to get validated (x)html. This clip will replace all appropriate ampersands excluding those that are part of defined character entities.


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