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HTMLfixIT Archive for September, 2006

Thursday, September 28th, 2006 by Don

When an executive leaves your company and you are a significant enterprise, how long should it take you to remove a page stating that person works for you? Good luck to Ms. Baskin where ever life may take her.
Ann Baskins


Thursday, September 28th, 2006 by Don

I’m thinking of it … this site offers this:
“Both Male and Female changing rooms are available to all students.”
I’m thinking I go for the female room myself. I hope they don’t mind.

This is a good example of a page needing some work. It doesn’t have a title, so if I bookmark it, it is simply “Untitled Document”. Anyway I don’t mean to pick on them and I have no idea why I even arrived on their cyber-door-step.

Anyway the category is called “random” featured site, and who can argue that this thought is totally random?

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Wednesday, September 27th, 2006 by Don

I’ll be the first to admit I’m not on the podcasting bandwagon. I don’t own an ipod or anything like one. I probably won’t anytime soon either (see my beef with Apple). But the whole emphasis by Apple on protecting the name podcast presents me no issue at all. There are several suggestions on how to rename the concept (instead of the protected thing), and even some suggesting that people nominate a successor term to be used. I’m like Scoble on this one, videocast, audiocast and perhaps mediacast for both audio and video (ironically if you go to you find that they are called netcasts, webcasts and cybercasts …). Then we can add fantasycast (or is that already taken?) for when we add in aroma and other senses like misting etc. (you laugh, some are actually working on such concepts). Anyway, they are all descriptive, in fact more descriptive than podcast anyway.

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Wednesday, September 27th, 2006 by Don

Wow have they done a lot in eight short years or what? I still love Google (the search engine) and enjoy a number of their other products. They truly have diversified and have worked hard to provide value to the world it sure seems to me. I recently started using Google Earth (free version), I use gmail (not too often but I do store some stuff there) and I use their searches daily. I have not made much use of it’s library project, but that is pretty cool. Anyway, happy birthday!

Google's Eighth Birthday


Tuesday, September 26th, 2006 by Don

I often use my laptop in conditions where the screen is difficult to read. This “tough man’s portable” says it is always visible. What is out there that is affordable to help with laptop screen visibility (and I’m not asking you to suggest that I pull it inside my sweatshirt … I already do that … or put a blanket over my head … I already do that on occaision too).

1 Comment »

Monday, September 25th, 2006 by Don

It is good news that Vista will ship on a single disk. Expected to reach consumers in January 2007 (only a year late I guess), the product key given will control how much access you actually get to Vista.

I have run several of the Vista betas so far and have yet to see what is so wonderful about it. The main claim to fame is that it is secure … but shouldn’t the old versions be secure? Widgets don’t excite me a bit. Transparent windows don’t excite me a bit. Internet Explorer and Outlook Express updates don’t excite me a bit. I’m sure the only thing likely to excite me is the amount of money I have to shell out when they quit supporting my 2000, NT and XP versions.

1 Comment »

Monday, September 25th, 2006 by Don

Robert Scoble writes more than anybody I try to follow. I’ll admit I tune out a lot of what he says as it seems to me to not be helpful day to day, but this was interesting to me. He suggests that Google is missing a significant opportunity to showcase it’s major products because it doesn’t do any video demo’s. Now that could be, but is more interesting to me for two reasons:

1. I remember most of google’s products that I use regularly and several that I have never used, but want to try (for example I hear the google earth allows you to map distance on a map, so you can see how far you walked, ran or biked on trails etc.). So I’m not sure where he gets his facts from, and,

2. It highlights the fact that google simply is NOT playing with it’s search rankings. It doesn’t move itself to the top. It permits someone like Scoble to come to the top if he deserves to be at the top.

This must be the kind of thing he was thinking about?


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