I happen to like the Wuhan WordPress Theme and have found it works pretty well, even with WordPress 2.0 and 2.0.1. I have found difficulty using it with the page fold menu. Anyway, it doesn’t look too swell in Internet Explorer 7 beta. I have decided it is time to give in and start using Microsoft proprietary code to get my stylesheets. I used a bunch of the hacks previously in order to be proud, but … many are now broken with the advent of version 7, that seems to act suprisingly like it should instead of like a Microsoft Browser.
If you have gotten the Wuhan Theme from Alex King’s wonderful site, you got a broken Wuhan as it doesn’t have the proper stylesheet for Internet Explorer. So go to the theme author’s site and get a copy instead and upload the ie stylesheet. It will be obvious which file it is as it has ie in the file name: style-ie.css.
Next, edit the header file to insert this:
<link rel=stylesheet type="e;text/css"e; href="e;<?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_directory’); ?>/style.css"e;>
<!–[if lt IE 7]>
<link rel=stylesheet type="e;text/css"e; href="e;<?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_directory’); ?>/style-ie.css"e;>
In place of the existing coding that has conditionals for Internet Explorer:
< ?php if (eregi("e;MSIE"e;,getenv("e;HTTP_USER_AGENT"e;)) ||
eregi("e;Internet Explorer"e;,getenv("e;HTTP_USER_AGENT"e;))) { ?>/style-ie.css"e;>
< ?php } else { ?>
< ?php } ?>