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Friday, October 8th, 2004 by Don

We at run a server for a select group of clients who want high powered reasonable cost web hosting. That includes a mail server, that we wanted to upgrade to add strength and easier administration. Unfortunately after carefully mapping out our server upgrade, we forgot a couple of our web apps were still pointing to the old mail server. We should still get the messages (I rewrote this section in light of Franki’s comment which is accurate) but just after a slight delay. Thanks for your patience.

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Friday, September 3rd, 2004 by Don

Maxthon is a powerful web browser with a highly customizable interface. It is based on the Internet Explorer engine (your most likely current web browser) which means that what works in IE, works the same in Maxthon but with many additional efficient features … ” Interesting to me, after reading one of Franki’s posts on here saying a certain MicroSoft Employee uses Firefox, that employee supposedly says that is a mischaracterization in his blog (I have yet to figure out how we know who’s blog it is — oh now I get it I go here). He apparently now says he has a copy of FireFox running, but he does that only to keep tabs on the competition as it isn’t on his primary machine. The article I found where he supposedly explains further says he uses Maxthon. Well does that further help or hurt the case that Internet Explorer as released by MicroSoft isn’t all that? I myself usually run two or three browsers to compare the look of web pages in them. It makes sense he would do the same to keep up on the latest, but why Maxthon … because the stock version lacks useability features!


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Friday, August 6th, 2004 by Don

Tivo to Go won approval today by the FCC. It will allow you to send a recorded TiVo show to your laptop and take it with you.

The NFL is concerned it will be used to bypass blackout restrictions on games. Of course, anyone who really wanted to do that could probably figure out a way to rebroadcast the signal anyway. It ain’t all that tough these days.

I have a DVD RAM machine that I like a lot. It allows me to record and watch the same thing at the same time, and unlike TiVo, it doesn’t require a monthly subscription. What it lacks however, is the ability to record automatically like TiVo. But it does have portability. I can take the disk elsewhere and play it in another machine.

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Thursday, July 22nd, 2004 by Don

Wall Street Journal RSS Feed Information is available. RSS isn’t just for the little guys any more. First exploding (in my opinion) in blogs and smaller places, the big boys are now coming on board with RSS feeds, further validating the concept has long term viability. This page also is good because it explains in simple terms what to do with an RSS feed.

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Wednesday, July 21st, 2004 by Don

J.K.Rowling Official Site – Harry Potter is now up and running. I read all the Potter books for some light entertainment when my kids had them around. They are entertaining, although they get repetitive about now.

I am not much of a flash fan, and yet, this is a very neat site. It requires that you hunt around … but it also offers a text only version.

I am currently on dial-up, so this is one slow trip for me … if I had to hit the Hogwart’s Express, I might bounce off the brick wall before I got in!

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Thursday, July 1st, 2004 by Don

Just a quick note to wish all in the US a happy 4th of July, but remember, celebrate safely! Injuries from Fireworks – NCIPC Tells about injuries from fireworks. As a “survivor” of a pretty good hand blow up in my youth, I can tell you it ain’t pretty. So have fun, but be safe.



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Wednesday, June 30th, 2004 by Don

gMail is a new concept from Google to provide huge email boxes to people for “free”. Their machines scan the mail content and then provide clearly marked advertisements that appear to be topical in the margin. Welcome Page for gMail.

Currently the only way to get one is to be invited by Google. After the “beta” test, they will supposedly be widely available. The main concern people have is that some “big brother” at Google will be checking their mail. The reality is several fold, first, your email will be machine scanned, not man read. They assure people that they are not reading it. The fact is that all email passes through many random isp’s in transmission anyway. So if you want the convenience, consider giving it a try. It might be very handy for people who need to maintain threads for a long time as it gives threaded output and is searchable.

Here is more about it:
Link to gMail About Page
Franki’s prior post on gMail



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<random humor>
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  Time  in  Don's  part  of the world is:   February 18, 2025, 8:55 am
  Time in Franki's part of the world is:   February 18, 2025, 9:55 pm
  Don't worry neither one sleeps very long!

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