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by Don

As you know we are a big fan of shared work on the net. Someone today pointed out a PHP mail form handler script that appears to be drafted with some thought to avoiding spam, serves as a nice replacement for Matt’s Old Perl Formmail Script and even helps you to configure itself.

I have not examined the coding, but they certainly address many of the issues I would be concerned about in their text and claim they are on top of those issues.

I am looking forward to giving it a try and digging into the code a bit.

As a web designer, if you install formmail scripts, you should log those installations and check at least quarterly to see if they have been updated. While this script claims no known vulnerabilities that have been exploited, of course there is someone out there as we speak trying to find one. Eventually if you don’t keep upgrading, changing, etc. they catch up to you so regular updates (this script was updated yesterday) are good.

9 Responses to “Nice Looking PHP Formmail Script”

  1. » Blog Archive » Nice Looking PHP Formmail Script - HTML FixIT Says:

    […] Nice Looking PHP Formmail Script – HTML FixITNice Looking PHP Formmail ScriptHTML FixIT, MI – 22 hours agoby Don I have not examined the coding, but they certainly address many of the issues I would be concerned about in their text and claim they are on top of …Extract Content From WordPress Posts HTML FixITall 2 news articles […]

  2. » Blog Archive » Nice Looking PHP Formmail Script - HTML FixIT Says:

    […] Nice Looking PHP Formmail Script – HTML FixITNice Looking PHP Formmail ScriptHTML FixIT, MI – Aug 17, 2007by Don I have not examined the coding, but they certainly address many of the issues I would be concerned about in their text and claim they are on top of …Extract Content From WordPress Posts HTML FixITall 2 news articles […]

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  Time  in  Don's  part  of the world is:   September 7, 2024, 10:52 am
  Time in Franki's part of the world is:   September 7, 2024, 11:52 pm
  Don't worry neither one sleeps very long!

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