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by Don

When you use Data Validation (Data/Validation/List, then =RangeName), I find it very helpful to be able to specify a dynamic range for the drop down because you may later add additional items to the list. It is fairly “easy” to do I guess.

I found this site most helpful on this topic. You simply need to specify a range using the explanation made there. Is it cryptic and hard to type? Yes.

Insert/name/define, type in a name, then use this:

That would start in column B2 (very common place to start if column a contains labels and top row contains labels. There are basically three things you need to change as you go over a column at at time, the three $B’s.

Hope that is helpful to someone else because I find it confusing every time I use it for the first time in a while.

7 Responses to “Naming Defined Ranges of Cells in Excel – how to create dynamic drop down lists”

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