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by Don

I wanted to use JingProject ( to create a small tutorial for one of my favorite programs. I could not get my microphone to work. Help under start>control panel>speech suggested that I do this:
“Open Speech in Control Panel, and then click the Speech Recognition tab.” Only problem is I didn’t have such a tab!

I found a post on-line where numerous Dell owners were complaining that Dell laptops don’t support external microphones. I was getting worried, when I came across a post that solve the issue. It said:
1) unplug your external mic
2) open volume control
3) switch it to recording control (menu options/properties/recording)
I then ticked microphone, plugged my microphone and tried Jinging it — woo hoo, it worked and my tutorials now have sound.

Google is always my friend! If you are having trouble getting an external microphone working with a Dell laptop, try the above procedure.

8 Responses to “Dell Laptop – How to Enable Microphone”

  1. Pots Says:

    woo, now you can jing to your heart’s content.

  2. Don Says:

    Makes it seem a lot like Christmas … can you get a timer out of the buckets in the work room and put one on the star please? That’ll put me in the jing thing mood 🙂

  3. gta sa apk data Says:

    Great. Thank you!

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  8. Write My Essay Uk Says:

    In Windows go to Control Panel > Sound > Recording. Select the laptop microphone as the default, click on the ‘properties’ box, in the general tab – device usage, select use this device (enable) click Apply.

    full information:,device%20(enable)%20click%20Apply.

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  Time  in  Don's  part  of the world is:   July 26, 2024, 2:23 pm
  Time in Franki's part of the world is:   July 27, 2024, 3:23 am
  Don't worry neither one sleeps very long!

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