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by Franki

The guys at the “Web Standards Project” who have long been pushing browser makers to support and be compliant with web standards has now begun promoting the site Browsehappy which is dedicated to helping everyday people change browsers away from Internet Explorer. Basically they are saying the same things I’ve been saying here for some time now. Internet Explorer is old, it hasn’t been updated much at all in the past 4 years, it’s lacking many important features and worst of all, it has a seemingly endless supply of security flaws.

None of the guys have any beef against Microsoft, they have just found that other browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Opera offer more features and better security and help them work and play better. These are the best guys to be promoting this sort of thing, just everyday folk with no bias towards or against any of the contenders.

The simple point is this, most people use Internet Explorer only because it came with Windows, until IE came bundled with Windows, (which happened when Win95B was released) Internet Explorer was a distant second to Netscape. It only became the dominant browser when people upgraded their computers and got Internet Explorer as part of the deal. That’s one of the reasons that Microsoft was found guilty in court for anti-competitive behaviour.

Internet Explorer was a full featured browser 4 or 5 years ago. But compared to the modern alternatives, all of which are under constant development. It’s falling further and further behind. The most significant additions to IE in the last 4 years, is the popup blocker and download manager added by Service pack 2 for XP. (which doesn’t help anyone not running Windows XP). Both of those features have been part of the alternatives for years now.

Give one of the alternatives a try, if you don’t like it after a month, un-install it and go back to IE, you have nothing to lose by doing that and the possible gains are immense. (like not getting the next big virus or spyware infection.)



2 Responses to “New campaign towards browser safety.”

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    Thanks for keeping people up on what’s happening.

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  Time  in  Don's  part  of the world is:   July 27, 2024, 1:12 am
  Time in Franki's part of the world is:   July 27, 2024, 2:12 pm
  Don't worry neither one sleeps very long!

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