What happens when graphic artists become geeks? Why they get together and start a Miss virtual world pageant. That isn’t as bad as it could be I guess, but I find myself wondering how long it will be before virtual playboy comes out?
On the downside, this might lead heaps of geeks further away from reality, but depending on your perspective that might be an upside. 🙂 The other upside is that it will benefit the world if they can work together and figure out ways to make virtual girls look as good as real ones, without removing the “human look” but by the same token, I’ve seen a few real world models that seem to be missing the human look as well, so who can tell?
I notice on the top ten column is a picture of Bloodrayne, the only game I have actually bought in the last 8 years, and she looks better then any of them. That would tend to indicate that the path to the virtually perfect woman, is to be a nicely endowed half vampire. See? That was easy wasn’t it?
Wired have more on the story here.