Recently announced that they have swapped to Linux and Open Source software, and listed some of the relevant software here. Interestingly they are using a very similar system to the new mail system I just set-up. (except that I’m using Debian).
They are apparently as happy with their new system as I am with ours. It is getting harder for old school companies like Microsoft to tell people that it is better for you to give them your money in the long run when the facts keep getting in the way. More importantly the facts are coming from companies that have made the switch themselves and speak from experience.
In related news, Novell has decided to refute Microsoft’s funded “facts” campaign by launching one of their own and explaining in detail why Microsoft’s results are not credible. For one thing Microsoft paid for most of the studies, secondly they only show the bits of them that further their cause, and thirdly, why would anyone listen to either Novell or Microsoft to find out the truth:? If you want the truth, you either ask an independent 3rd party, or look into it yourself. I would not ask a GM dealer if GM cars were better then Ford, so why is this any different? Anybody that is swayed by Microsoft’s “get the fud” campaign really needs to ask themselves if perhaps some time in a mental hospital is called for. Can you imagine Microsoft saying “Well in some cases Linux is actually cheaper…..” ? No, me either.