While taking a wander around the Firefox extensions site, I came across a new one I just had to try. It is called “FireFTP” and it is a fully featured FTP client that runs from within Firefox, it has a similar layout to all stand alone FTP clients in that you have a pane on the left displaying files local to your PC, and a pane on the right displaying files on the remote server, so anyone familiar with any FTP client will have no problem using this one.
My old suggestion for a free FTP client was SmartFTP, but after using this for a while, its simplicity and the fact that it’s a tiny download (only 55kb) makes it the most compelling free FTP client I have seen thus far.
You can find the extension here. It will run in Windows, Linux or Mac so regardless of your requirements ,they have you covered. It is able to resume broken downloads and it will run in a browser tab. Give it a go for yourself.