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by Don

I must be as good as this guy … or at least a tenth as good. Cnet reports that incoming CEO at HP, Mark Hurd, will draw a $2,000,000 signing bonus and $1,400,000 annually plus stock options. He isn’t alone in making such amazing amounts of money, but what makes one person that valuable? The last CEO did pretty well for herself as well, despite nearly crashing the company into the side of the proverbial mountain.

This guy has been around for a while of course. Back in 1998, then Vice President of Marketing for NCR’s Computer Systems Group, Hurd said, “As a leading provider of enterprise solutions to customers with mission-critical computing needs, NCR is always looking for new ways to improve the reliability and manageability of the business solutions we sell.” Does that actuallyl mean anything? Maybe the problem is that I say things that make sense. I should try changing that as it apparently works because he later became the CEO at NCR.

Here is what he now says about NCR:
“I’m very proud of what NCR has achieved during my tenure as CEO and I’m confident that with the company’s leading technologies and attractive markets, coupled with the management team’s focus on execution, the momentum will continue.” Okay Mark, congratulations on the new job, and may the confusing sentences be with you! We’ll be focusing on execution now too, thanks for clueing us in.

One Response to “I Need More Money – HP Exec to draw 3.4 Million this year”

  1. Oshawa Dental Clinic Says:

    Thanks for keeping people up on what’s happening.

    Oshawa Dental Clinic

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  Time  in  Don's  part  of the world is:   July 26, 2024, 2:26 pm
  Time in Franki's part of the world is:   July 27, 2024, 3:26 am
  Don't worry neither one sleeps very long!

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