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by Don

Besides hiring me of course, you can spend a lot of time figuring it out. We have had good success in getting pages ranked well in Google quite quickly. We do not use any “word spam” techniques to do it either. In fact we wouldn’t do it. Anyway, we have tried in the past to share our thoughts on SEO – or search engine optimization – with others. We hope others have found it helpful.

Let’s get “Scientificish”

I regularly read Mike Industries as I find he has a lot of good information. He sort of wants to be the number one “Mike” in Google. Can he make it? To figure out how the rankings work (or don’t work) he tried an experiment that was a bit scientificish (I figure we have a shot at going one/two for that term). His research on what Google did with some newly generated web pages concerning the word “lodefizzle” generated some very interesting results.

Validate that Code

Go validate the code on your page, and then, have a read because as he says:

Conclusion: It’s not clear that validity helps search engine ranking, but it’s definitely true that certain errors in your code can get you completely removed from indexes.

I remember the first time I looked for my name in Lexis/Nexis back in the early 1980’s. The name Don was tough to find because of many sub-parts under the ancient indexes available at that time because I could be found under either Don or Donald, so you had to leave it open. I got donut, don’t, etc. Eventually I had to construct a better way to search for Don or Donald and my last name, allowing for the fact that I might or might not have an initial or middle name in there as well. It took a bit, but I did eventually find myself. I am sure Google has raised the search bar … and suffice it to say I am no Mike. I doubt I could count far enough down to find myself. So I’ll just toil on in obsurity.

Goodnight as I go cry myself to sleep…

2 Responses to “How To Improve Your Google Rank”

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<random humor>
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</random humor>

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  Time  in  Don's  part  of the world is:   July 26, 2024, 2:31 pm
  Time in Franki's part of the world is:   July 27, 2024, 3:31 am
  Don't worry neither one sleeps very long!

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