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by Don

I follow Robt. Scoble’s blog. Don’t ask me why, but I do. He posts more than any other single poster blog I know. It is all sorts of wierd stuff. Maybe it now replaces random surfing for me because in a way he is very random. In the original days of web, you just surfed. I don’t so much anymore. Instead I scan rss feeds and follow one that catches my eye, like his link to a t-shirt company because the guy he meets is wearing one and it impressed Robt’s wife.

The guy actually hangs his phone number out there and says call me we’ll try to fit you in! Now I’m nowhere near the guy, but I always wonder, if someone boring like me calls, will he find the time? I suspect that the answer is yes. He interacts with an interesting crowd. Talk about networked. It’s pretty amazing how small the world grows.

I really need to get our commenting turned back on, don’t I. Not sure when or how it broke, but it did and I’ve been too lazy to get it fired up. I tried it one day and without spam control it was a disaster. I could turn it on, but we had thirty spam in ten minutes. They must be firing constantly at us in hopes of breaking through.

Since Franki has been scarce, I am afraid if I really botched it up, I might take down the site, but with comments broken isn’t that the practical effect anyway.

How’s that? Was I as random as Robt?

3 Responses to “Scoble sure posts a lot …”

  1. max Says:

    need to get our commenting turned back on, don’t I. Not sure when or how it broke, but it did and I’ve been too lazy to get it fired up. I tried it one day and without spam control it was a disaster. I could turn it on, but we had thirty spam in ten minutes. They must be firing constantly at us in hopes of breaking through.

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  3. Says:

    I can tell you have put a lot of work into it. Thank you for this great ideas and for sharing it to your readers.

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There are however, some costs involved in running the site.

<random humor>
Plus Don likes to feel he has helped keep Franki in BBQ sauce.
</random humor>

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  Time  in  Don's  part  of the world is:   December 10, 2024, 6:10 pm
  Time in Franki's part of the world is:   December 11, 2024, 7:10 am
  Don't worry neither one sleeps very long!

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