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by Don

I indicated that I had experience uncommonly slow loads on their home page. They immediately called and followed up by email. That is really impressive! Way to go at an issue Godaddy. I wish all companies were as responsive and caring. I wasn’t even asking for help, just making an objective statement. They of course are calling at a time when I will never be home, but that is beside the point. They have called three different days in an effort to follow up.

They have asked me to run a trace route. I did that today from my day connection (dial up at 54k — yep people still use them) and got 9 hops … and a slow load. I am happy to say that I tried it a my night connection (which is higher speed) and got 13 hops including one time out, but the page itself loaded as fast as I have ever seen in load — I’d estimate it was less than a minute vs the three or four minutes or more I often experience.

Logging in took only seconds tonight and getting my domain manager up wasn’t fast, but it wasn’t slow either and obviously it has to pull information from a database, so I’d call the load time acceptable this evening. I didn’t actually time it, but estimated it and watched the clock on the task bar (usually I can time the loads by the number of minutes).

As I said in my first post, I really like I always have, despite their model fixation … 🙂

Anyway my point after all of this rambling is that this operation is all over customer service, and I enjoy doing business with them. Thank you godaddy for caring.

p.s. I’ll get you guys some trace route info in the next day or two. Thank you for your persistence in making sure that I have the experience I should.

10 Responses to “Godaddy Really Impressive in Their Response to My Last Post”

  1. Joseph Passenger Says:

    Hi don.

  2. Don Says:

    Hi Joe,

    Are we bored? Great game by you and your teammates last night. Good luck tomorrow.


  3. Pots Says:

    Yes…very bored. That godaddy thing was pretty sweet. When they called you was it just becuase they saw your last post on this site or did you say it somewhere else?

  4. Don Says:

    They called because they read the first post in this series. I was really impressed by their response. They called several times and eventually followed up by email. They made some changes as a result. I have to say I think is one very very impressive company. For them to even contact me, let alone follow through and care for my concern shows that they are a company that really does care about consumers of their product.

    Overall I’d give them a ten out of ten for their responsiveness and they gave me some clues how to speed things up as well. Also it appears that some of the slowness I was experiencing may have been out of their control. We worked back and forth with some trace routes.

    Ms. V needs to learn about Moodle Joe, it’s similar to Blackboard, but it’s open source and I really like it. You might send her a link. Ottawa County is using it. We can even set up a copy if we want so you can get Ms. T using it …

    She wants to do rollerderby next year for GLBC too.

  5. Pots Says:

    Sweet…when did you talk to her about the rollerderby thing?

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    Worth it site and posts.

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  8. wuxiaworld Says:

    How can I register to use their service?

  9. Stickman Hook Says:

    Great post! I didn’t knowral of these resources and I’m going to go check them out now!

  10. Solar Power Says:

    Thank you for this wonderful article and keep on inspiring us.
    Solar Power

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  Time  in  Don's  part  of the world is:   November 6, 2024, 7:46 pm
  Time in Franki's part of the world is:   November 7, 2024, 8:46 am
  Don't worry neither one sleeps very long!

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