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by Don

So I added a link to a business using Everything says it is live, and it may be because I can find it using my account link to it, but not their search to it. So the search isn’t live in my first experience. [okay on edit, it was there ten minutes later … so not bad really]

I clicked on claim this business and I could have it for a mere $10 it claims even though the video Scoble did kept saying it was $22. So maybe I’ll make $2 a year off of it someday. Which is it and where do you find it.

Last comment on them for the night, it asks for the companies email address … but it doesn’t explain if it will be encoded or otherwise protected from spam … will it gents? Or did I just doom this business to receive unwanted junk mail?

I do find this:

Ownership of data and your privacy

Business listings are compiled from a combination of publically available business listing data and user generated data. Brand names and trade marks that feature in business listings are used only in the context of correctly identifying those brand names, trade marks or owners to which they relate. They are owned by their respective owners and claims no association with any of them. All data and information present and entered into the Service becomes and remains the property of Brownbook Limited for the explicit purpose of providing our Services. We don’t sell our data, and we don’t spam you with irrelevant junk.

Guess we may be getting some relevant junk too, eh?

One Response to “ – not really live when you add it?”

  1. Marc Lyne Says:

    Hi Don,
    Marc at here, answers to a couple of your questions / thoughts:

    Yes, although your business is live immediately, it does take us a little while (up to 10 minutes) to add a new business to the indexes so that the search finds it.

    You should be able to see your earnings in your ‘my account’ page.

    We do sent a courtesy email to any business that is added with an email address, just to tell them that they have been listed on Brownbook and if the businesses is edited again or a review added, then we will send them one more email, but that is it. No more.

    Any comments / thoughts / suggestions, then please do drop me an email marc[AT]brownbook[DOT]net

    All the best.


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<random humor>
Plus Don needs a new ski handle for his favorite toy.
</random humor>

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  Time  in  Don's  part  of the world is:   July 26, 2024, 1:56 pm
  Time in Franki's part of the world is:   July 27, 2024, 2:56 am
  Don't worry neither one sleeps very long!

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