Reading this article on I found myself somewhat surprised. It seems we may soon start buying our music on memory cards rather then CD’s or DVD’s. I was surprised not that it has happened, but that it has happened so soon. I didn’t think the market would be ready for such a thing for a couple of years yet.
The price of an album on memory card might be an indication that it really isn’t time for this technology yet. Add to that the DRM issues, (the record companies are not going to let anyone else make money if the majority doesn’t go into their pockets, if recent history is any indication.) and the fact that not many car stereos or home HIFI’s will take a memory card directly yet means it might be awhile before this becomes a widespread practice.
Still, all that aside, it bodes well for the future, a memory card is more resilient and allot smaller then a CD or DVD, and can potentially hold allot more data. We might one day be able to buy an artists entire collection on one memory card (Picture all of Elvis or the Beatles songs on one memory card smaller then a 50 cent coin).