For web developers, new Internet capable devices are usually a headache as you never know how your site will display or function on a non PC device. To the rescue comes a free Firefox extension that when used will display any site in the layout a smart phone user would see. SSR (Small Screen Rendering) was written by the same guys behind the NVU WYSIWYG HTML editor and is an invaluable tool for web developers looking to extend their audience.
Mobile and smart phone usage is sky-rocketing and will continue to do so as technologies like 3G and WiMax roll out and at some stage in the near future all mobile phones are likely to contain a web browser of some sort. You can get the SSR extension at: (down the bottom of the page).
(Note, when you click install, a popup warning bar will appear at the top of the browser window, you have to click on the options button and click “allow”, go get the install going).