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by Franki

Perl Python and PHP are all Open Source programming languages and there is a ton of free software written in all of those languages available online. Enterprises have until recently stuck with Java, C++, C or C# when it came to application development, but this is a trend that is apparently starting to change. InternetNews has a story about how Enterprise is starting to notice the benefits of using the “P languages” when it comes to fast application development. As a Perl/PHP coder myself, I can’t believe it took them this long to work that out. One interesting statistic that the article lists, is that PHP has proven considerably less secure then Perl or Python when based on the number of exploits found in programs written in each. I suspect that has more to do with newbie’s preferring to learn PHP than anything else, but the PHP developers would do well to introduce something like Perl’s Taint mode.

12 Responses to “Perl, Python and PHP get the nod for Enterprise.”

  1. DeepthiSheetal Says:

    Can you please tell me how to create security image using HTML and PERL or with database MySQL….I’ll be thankful to you.

  2. Don Says:

    Search Google for the term “captcha” along with your program(s) of choice such as perl, php, ruby, etc. There are many many flavors of ideas from there. If you are using it for a particular program like a blog software, check the software support site as you will probably find it there.


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  Time  in  Don's  part  of the world is:   July 27, 2024, 12:07 am
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