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by Don

What a great game so far with 12:00 minutes to go in the fourth quarter, it is anyones game. Penn State just got a safety off of an intentional grounding call. The defense for each team is amazing. The entire third quarter … if my hearing is correct … not a single third down conversion, even on a fourth down try by Florida State.

Ever since I was a college athlete (and I was not a football player), I have had the greatest respect for Joe Paterno. He is just hard work epitomized. What a great coach. Bobby Bowden has plenty of years and success under his belt as well.

Enjoy the rest of the game.


4:08 to go and Florida State ties it up with a fieldgoal. 16 to 16. We are in for an exciting finish tonight. Penn State had a nice drive going with their prior possession until they fumbled at about the five yard line. Another drive like that will put them in position to win. Time (all 4:08 of it) will tell.


Penn State ignites it on two consecutive pass plays. Florida State now needs to take a time out to preserve the last 1:27. Penn State caught them snoozing in a hurry up offensive play with the wrong personnel on the field. From the 45 of Florida State to their 11 yard line. Did you see Assistant Coach Kevin Steele? When Bobby Bowden asks him what happens, he motions to himself and said we messed that up. He did not blame it on anyone or on his athletes. The amazing thing is Bobby shakes his head and says okay. Impressive control! Will Penn State make something happen on 3rd and 13? Will they kick the field goal next? How much time will be left on the clock for the kickoff? Can Penn State keep put their whole team on one side of the field (or wait that was Nebraska 🙂 ). Here comes the kick. Fourth and eleven. Forty seconds left. What a great game!

8 Responses to “Penn State vs Florida State”

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    I doubt if tonights game can be any where near as good as that game. I think USC will win by 20+ points. Although I am a Longhorn fan I cannot believe they can come close to winning. I sure hope they do but… much doubt in my mind

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  Time  in  Don's  part  of the world is:   July 26, 2024, 7:07 pm
  Time in Franki's part of the world is:   July 27, 2024, 8:07 am
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