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by Gary

Earlier this year I waffled on about a Windows Update utility for Firefox, called WindizUpdate. I was pretty impressed at the time and used the utility for a few months, but I was left wanting due to a lag between Microsoft releasing updates and finding that they were available for WindizUpdate. Now I’ve found something I like even more.

IE Tab is an extension for Firefox which embeds Internet Explorer in a Firefox tab. Unlike the IE View extension which simply opens selected pages in a separate Internet Explorer window, IE Tab displays selected pages using the IE engine but contained wholly within a Firefox tab.

So, why might this be useful? I currently use Internet Explorer exclusively for two reasons:

  1. To run Microsoft Update / Windows Update, which won’t otherwise work in any other browser.
  2. To check web pages as I develop them, to ensure that my pages look consistent between browsers.

Now with IE Tab I can do both of these things from within Firefox, simply by right-clicking and selecting “View Page in IE Tab”. And to mark the happy occasion of first running Microsoft Update within Firefox I snapped this celebratory picture for you:

IE Tab

Yes, I realise that using IE Tab really means that I’m using IE. But if nothing else I’m enjoying the convenience of doing it all from within a Firefox window.

7 Responses to “IE Tab for Firefox”

  1. site admin Says:

    Yeah, Netscape can do the same thing.

    There is a pretty big downside though. One of the big reasons for not using IE is security.
    If you embed IE in a Firefox tab, any insecurities in your version of IE are now active the same as if you had been using IE standalone.

    Still, I spose it has uniformity about it. If you could specify that certain pages open only in the embedded IE then I could delete all links to IE on clients desktops and set it up to only use Firefox.

  2. Gary Says:

    That’s true.

    But since I’m using IE (IE Tab) for the sole purposes of Microsoft Update and checking my own pages as I develop them, I think that the risks are pretty well mitigated.

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